Welcome! Thank you for coming to Power in the Word of God Blog. The aim of this blog is to be a complete web-resource for your life. Power in the Word of God Blog is dedicated to the promotion of the Word of God and the Power it contains, as well as the restoration and the fortification of our individual lives. As you read each blog posted, I pray you'll find encouragement for your home & family. May the LORD bless you and direct your thoughts as you aspire to follow Him and know His ways. Amen!

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Men of Like Passion

In the book of James, Elijah was described as a man of like passion like us who prayed fervently & there was no rain and prayed again and there was rain - James 5:17-18.

Men like Elijah, Moses, John the Baptist, Paul, Jonah, Peter, Samson; all had their strengths and their weaknesses. A lot is said about their strengths in the New Testament but The Lord did not focus on their weaknesses. In their weaknesses, God still made a way out.The Grace of God was sufficient for them. They learnt how to move on with their lives and focus on the strength of God. There is no perfect man, but when man rests in a perfect God, the nature of God begins to manifest in his life.

God's grace was sufficient for Paul. The Lord sent him to minister to the Gentiles and not to the Jews. However, after a while Paul started having compassion for the Jews and wished he could get them saved. Romans 9:1-3. He then decided to travel back to Jerusalem even when he was warned by God against this, through a prophesy by Agabus. He prophesied that the Jews will bind Paul's hand and feet and hand him over to the Gentiles if he went he went. Paul failed to obey this warning, he went to Jerusalem where he almost lost his life - Acts 21:11-14.

Because of this, throughout the ministry of Paul, the Jews became a thorn in his flesh because they stirred up commotion & riot almost everywhere that Paul preached. Paul prayed to God & The Lord encouraged Paul to rely on His grace. It was the grace of God that made Paul to succeed in his ministry despite all oppositions. Paul is a man of like passion like you. If he made it, you too can make it by the grace of God.

There was a time when John the Baptist was depressed & in prison. Though The Lord was with him, John had stopped feeling God's presence. Why did this happen? John as the friend of Jesus ( the bridegroom )should have handed over to Jesus after God declared Jesus as his only begotten son when when he was baptised by John. When bridegroom arrived, John was expected to sit down & listen to the words of the bride groom. However he continued to baptise people.

John the Baptist eventually ended up in prison where he became depressed & started doubting Jesus as the Messiah. He sent message to Jesus regarding this and Jesus encouraged him from the word of God.  Thereafter Jesus described John the Baptist as the greatest prophet that ever came before Jesus. Jesus regarded John the Baptist and highly esteemed him. He  talked only about John's strengths and not his weaknesses.

Elijah spoke only one sentence of prayer and it did not rain for a period of 3 years - 1Kings 17:1
However, he had to pray fervently and for a longer time before it could rain again - 1Kings 18: 41-45. This happened because Elijah did not deliver God's message to Ahab exactly the way he was sent. The Lord asked Elijah to show himself to King Ahab and that God will send rain but by the time he met King Ahab, he already had the idea about the sacrifice - 1Kings 18:1-24.

The sacrifice on mount Carmel was Elijah's idea and not God's. It was more of his self effort but God honoured his name by sending fire to consumed the sacrifice. The spirit of fear later came upon Elijah. He became depressed and suicidal; running away from Jezebel the wife king Ahab. God later demonstrated to him that he might send a fire, earthquake or great wind but it was not necessary for him to be in it - 1Kings19:9-13.

In other words, God was not in the fire that fell on mount Camel. However in the devastated state that Elijah was, God still made a way for him. God gave him certain instructions and Elijah adhered to them. The instructions were enough for Elijah, he stopped having a pity party but encouraged himself in The Lord. God then continued to use him mightily because Elijah did not give up. Ultimately, Elijah went to heaven gloriously in a chariot of fire.

When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person - Job 22:29

With Abraham, God said "walk with me and be perfect. In his imperfection, God was still interested in him. Whatever state you are right now, God is still interested in you. He is calling you to walk with him.

Moses even though did not enter the promise land, was honoured by God when he appeared at the mount of transfiguration representing the law of the Old Testament.

Remember in all your mistakes, Jesus has paid the price on the cross of Calvary. Your sins are already forgiven. All you need to do is receive forgiveness. God will never give up on you, so you don't have to give up on yourself.

Jonah was in the whale's belly because of his disobedience to God; but Jonah did not give up. By faith he cried out to The Lord and his prayer was answered. God commanded the whale to vomit Jonah and he was given a second chance to do what God asked of him.

Jesus came as the son of man and endured persecution. He did not give up. He overcame all his troubles and received the crown of glory purchasing redemption for all man kind.

All these are men of like passion like you. Never give up because the grace of God is sufficient for you. The Lord sees your strength and calls you by his name. Start to confess what The Lord says about you. See yourself the way God sees you. Victory is yours and you will fulfil your destiny in Jesus name.

Enjoy the blessings of God.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Be confident your deliverance is sure

What do you do when you are in trouble? Do you pray and also ask the children of God to assist you in praying or you do you cry and complain to God?

 Acts: 12: 5But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him."

Peter was in prison chained down between two soldiers. This was a great bondage and Peter seemed to be in a hopeless situation. A day prior, one of his brethren was murdered and Peter was supposed to be the next victim.   Peter was however relaxed and peaceful, sleeping in between the soldiers. He had learnt to cast his cares and burdens upon the Lord.  Peter’s focus was not on his circumstance but on God who has a good plan and purpose for him

 Acts: 12:6 “The night before Peter was to be placed on trial; he was asleep, fastened with two chains between two soldiers. Others stood guard at the prison gate.”

When you put your complete hope and trust in God, He will surely arise and deliver you. God is always on time and he is never late. What seems impossible for man is possible for God. There is no problem that God cannot solve. Is there anything too hard for the creator of the universe?

 Acts: 12:7-9Suddenly, there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood before Peter. The angel struck him on the side to awaken him and said, “Quick! Get up!” And the chains fell off his wrists. Then the angel told him, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.” And he did. “Now put on your coat and follow me,” the angel ordered. So Peter left the cell, following the angel. But all the time he thought it was a vision. He didn’t realize it was actually happening.”

Let God be your focus. You will soon see His hand at work in your life.


Enjoy the blessings of God

Thursday, 22 November 2012

The Sabbath, the Day of Rest

The Sabbath is the day of rest that God commanded Israel to keep in the Old Testament of the bible. This is the day when all the people must not do any work and depend on God completely for all their needs. God commanded Israel to set the 7th day of the week apart as the Sabbath. This is the 4th Commandment.

Exodus 20: 8-11 “You must remember to keep the Sabbath a special day. You may work six days a week to do your job.  But the seventh day is a day of rest in honour of the Lord your God. So on that day no one should work—not you, your sons and daughters, or your men and women slaves. Even your animals and the foreigners living in your cities must not work! That is because the Lord worked six days and made the sky, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. And on the seventh day, he rested. In this way the Lord blessed the Sabbath—the day of rest. He made that a very special day.

When God rained down manna in the wilderness he told Israel to collect a double portion on the 6th day so that on the 7th day they will rest at home.  Some of the people however disobeyed God. They went on the Sabbath to get manna but they found nothing.

Exodus 16: 4-5:   Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will cause food to fall from the sky. This food will be for you to eat. Every day the people should go out and gather the food they need that day. I will do this to see if they will do what I tell them. Every day the people will gather only enough food for one day. But on Friday, when the people prepare their food, they will see that they have enough food for two days.”

Exodus 16: 27-30: “On Saturday, some of the people went out to gather some of the food, but they could not find any. Then the Lord said to Moses, “How long will you people refuse to obey my commands and  teachings?  Look, the Lord has made the Sabbath a day of rest for you. So on Friday he will give you enough food for two days. Then, on the Sabbath, each of you should sit down and relax. Stay where you are.” So the people rested on the Sabbath.

The bible however concludes in the book of psalms that Israel did not enter into God’s rest because of disobedience to his voice. It was then difficult for them to keep the Sabbath.

Psalm 95: 7b-11:If only you would listen to his voice today! The Lord says, “Don’t harden your hearts as Israel did at Meribah, as they did at Massah in the wilderness.  For there your ancestors tested and tried my patience, even though they saw everything I did. For forty years I was angry with them, and I said, they are a people whose hearts turn away from me. They refuse to do what I tell them. So in my anger I took an oath: They will never enter my place of rest.”

The Old Testament is the shadow of things to come while the New Testament is the substance.

Colossians 2: 16-17:So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths. For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality.”
The conclusion is that anytime we are walking in obedience to God, we are keeping the Sabbath. It is not possible to keep the Sabbath without being able to identify the voice of God and obeying it.
Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law especially the Sabbath. He kept the Sabbath everyday of his life. Israel did not have spiritual understanding of the Sabbath so they spent all their time accusing Jesus of breaking the law.  Jesus declared that he would only do and say what he saw God the Father did or said.  

John 5: 18-19: So the Jewish leaders tried all the harder to find a way to kill him. For he not only broke the Sabbath, he called God his Father, thereby making himself equal with God. So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.”

Jesus performed all the miracles from a place of rest in God and so kept the Sabbath day. He relied on God completely in making decisions and he never went anywhere unless directed by God.
Sabbath keepers are those who hear the voice of God and obey. God speaks to us every day and he is pleased when we obey him.

Everyday should be a day of Sabbath for a true child of God. People attend church on Sundays to worship God and hear his voice. The Jews attend the synagogue on Saturdays to worship God and hear his voice. The bible however says that today when you hear the voice of God do not harden your heart.

Hebrews 4:7: So God set another time for entering his rest, and that time is today. God announced this through David much later in the words already quoted: “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts.”

Everything we do must be from a place of rest in God; otherwise we will be walking in the flesh and this is not pleasing unto God. Walking in the flesh make us short sighted and does not allow us to enjoy the full benefit of all that the Lord has in stock for us. Every day of the week should be a Sabbath day.


Enjoy the blessings of God

Thursday, 4 October 2012

The New Man Part 2

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
The new man is born of God
The new man has the divine nature of God
The new man is born in the Kingdom of God
The new man is born of the Holy Spirit and of the word of God
The new man is a citizen of God’s kingdom
The new man inherits the kingdom of God
The new man is born to live in the glory of God
The new man desires the presence of God
The new man hears the Lord’s voice and follows
The new man hears the voice of God and obeys
The new man is one with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The new man is not condemned
The new man walks by faith
The new man is in Christ
The new man can do all things
The new man is led by the Holy Spirit
The new man has eternal life
The new man pleases God
The new man does not walk in the flesh but in the spirit
The new man begins to manifest when the flesh is crucified
The new man bears fruits of the Spirit
The new man is an overcomer
The new man receives revelation from God
The new man is a true worshiper of God
The new man prays according to the will of God
The new man has confidence because God hears his prayers
The prayers of the new man are answered by God.

Prayer: O God, help me to always remember that I am crucified with Christ so that I will constantly walk in the spirit and not in the flesh.

Enjoy the blessings of God

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Sunday Service 24/09/12. Sermon Topic: The New Man

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
“For the love of Christ constrain us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead. And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.  Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.”

The above passage talks about believers in Christ, who have received the nature of God and become a new man. The new man ceases to live for himself but starts living for God because God puts his Spirit within him. The Spirit of God begins to bear fruits and one of the fruits of the spirit is love.  God himself is love. The God kind of love gives sacrificially without expecting anything back. 

John 3: 16: “For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

The nature of God begins to develop in the new man the more he comes into an intimate relationship with God. The new man takes on the divine nature of God. This divine nature of God constrains the new man to love people unconditionally. It becomes easy to love the unlovable and to forgive those who have offended him. This Agape love makes the new man go out of his way to help even when it is not convenient. The divine love of God flows freely from within him. The love of God within the new man also makes him to believe in the promises of God because faith works by love.   

Galatians 5:6 “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor circumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.”

Since the flesh of Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and rose from the dead with a new body, God no more recons with the flesh but with the spirit of man that is resurrected with Christ. God expects us to identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our flesh must be crucified with Christ because whatever is done in the flesh is not acceptable unto God. As far God is concerned the flesh does not exist, it is crucified. That is why the bible says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. God does not evaluate us from a human point of view; but looks deep down into the spirit of man.

Galatians 2: 20. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

God also wants us to evaluate people from his perspective. If we continue to view people according to the flesh we will fail to perceive the real person that God has created in his own image. God deposits his gifts in the spirit of man. We must not evaluate people from a human point of view. People must be viewed the way God sees and values them. Any work of the flesh whether good or bad is no value from God’s perspective.

 Jesus did not give up on Peter because Peter later became the Apostle to the Jews. God did not view Saul from a human perspective and he later became an Apostle to the Gentiles. Jesus Christ was viewed by many from a human point of view. Many people did not have the revelation of the glory of God that was residing within him. This glory was revealed to Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration.  

Luke 9: 28-29. “Now it came to pass, about eight days after these sayings, that He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray.  As He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered, and His robe became white and glistening.”

As a new man in Christ, the old way of life is passed away and things have become new.  The old man lived without God. Without Christ we are on our own even though we try to live as best as we can. However as a true Christian, Christ himself comes to reside in us and we are led by his spirit as we learn to rely on him.  Christianity is supposed to be a way of life and not a religion.

2 Corinthians 5:17. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.”

We must allow the Lord to occupy the driver seat of our lives while we seat beside him as the passenger. The Lord himself will take us to places we have never imagined. Many Christians prefer to be the driver. They feel comfortable having God as a front passenger. Some only allow him in the back seat of their lives while they allow their friends and family in the front seat. The Lord is however faithful to his word because he says “I will never leave you nor forsake you. When you have made a mess of your life and cry unto the Lord, he will answer you and show you where you have missed it. You then need to go back to that place and surrender completely to Christ.

Prayer: I ask O Lord that you enlarge the capacity of my thirst and hunger for you.

Enjoy the blessings of God. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Sunday Service 16/09/12. Topic of Sermon: Waiting upon the Lord

Isaiah 40: 27-31 (NKJV):Why do you say, O Jacob, And speak, O Israel: “My way is hidden from the Lord, and my just claim is passed over by my God”?  Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.  He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Waiting upon God can be described as waiting and looking out for God. When we begin to sense his presence, we must follow him according to his leadings. We should become fully focused on God like a waiter in a restaurant waiting on the customer. During the time of waiting the first thing to do is to share our feelings with God. We can then begin to spend more time in the word of God and more time in heart to heart fellowship with God. You will then begin to hear his voice. Waiting upon God draws us to the heart and mind of God in order to know what is in his mind and for us find out what he wants us to do. Waiting upon God brings us to a state of surrender where God takes over and we begin to move in his strength and wisdom.

The book of John 8: 1-11 tells the story of the woman caught in adultery. The men had picked up stones and ready to stone her to death according to the Jewish law. They however wanted to know Jesus’ view about their intention.  Jesus had to wait upon God for instructions. He was not distracted by the situation, but he focused on God for direction. He received a word of wisdom from God and said “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” All the men with their stones became powerless and subdued. They dropped their stones and walked away in shame. The wisdom of God gives power and strength.  

Many Christians are not ready to repent and come back to the heart of God. They want God to bless them at the place where they are. They are not willing to seek the heart of God to find out what God really has in stock for them. Though they identify with the cross, they have moved far away from the heart of God to the east and west of the cross seeking the hands of the Lord. However the heart of the Lord remains in the centre of the cross. Every time we are far away from the heart of God, our minds become polluted. It then becomes difficult for the Lord to hear our prayers not to talk of answering them. Imagine a visitor at your door. You can only open the door if you hear the door bell or a knock on the door. God is love but if he does not hear us when we pray how can he answer us.

Psalm 66:18:  “If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear.”

When we begin to wait on God and seek his face, be starts revealing himself to us and slowly our minds become renewed and our perspectives begin to change. His desires become our desires and his will becomes our will. We begin to pray according to his will and we have the confidence that he hears us. Once God hears us he would always answer. There is no mother that would hear the cry of her child that would not answer.  

1John 5:14-15: Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

 A snail walking around without its shell will soon die of dehydration. Likewise a Christian who does not seek the heart of God is like a snail without its shell. That Christian will soon be dry up spiritually. When we begin to follow the Lord as a sheep following the shepherd, he leads and guides us. Goodness and mercy begins to follow us when we follow God. This happens automatically even when we don’t ask God for it (Psalm 23). The Lord wants us to watch and rely on him and surely he would strengthen us. We must learn to communicate and pour out our heart to God instead of complaining and murmuring.

Philippians 4:6-7: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Lord help me to wait on you at all times

Enjoy the blessings of God.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Sunday Service 9/9/12. Topic: The presence of God makes the difference.

Bible reading: 1Kings 18 &19.
 The presence of God makes the Christian life exciting always. This is why the angels in heaven cannot do but praise God always because they are in his presence. The presence of God prevents us from becoming weary as Christians. This is because we are totally dependent on God and not only on the anointing.
In the book of 1Kings 18&19 we read a story about Prophet Elijah. There was drought in Israel because there had been no rain for 3 years. The Lord then asked Prophet Elijah to present himself to King Ahab and then He will send rain (1kings 18:1). Meanwhile Jezebel the Queen was killing the prophets of Israel but Obadiah who was a governor in the palace had kept 100 prophets in a cave and was feeding them with bread and water. When Prophet Elijah eventually met with the King he did not wait for God to send the rain but instructed the king to summon all the prophets of Baal to Mount Carmel. On Mount Carmel Elijah was able to demonstrate the power of God because fire came down from heaven to consume his sacrifice. The prophets of Baal could not demonstrate any power and they became a laughing stock.  Everyone in Israel feared and honoured God, they respected his prophet Elijah.
If you observe closely you will see that the Lord God instructed Elijah to show himself to the king and then God will bring rain. You will be surprised to know that by the time Elijah was summoning the prophets of Baal it was the anointing on God on him but he had lost the presence of God. This is because the idea of summoning the prophets of Baal to a contest was Elijah’s idea and not God’s. Even though fire came down from heaven at Elijah’s request, God was not in the fire. It was after the big show that Elijah remembered to announce the second part of God’s message of bringing rain. Elijah then had to pray fervently and struggled before the rain finally came. If he had done it God’s way, God would have sent the rain and Elijah wouldn't have struggled. (1Kings 18:1).
Moses was a prophet of God. He did not have to struggle before the red sea parted into two; he only did what God asked him to do and God took care of the rest.  God himself turned bitter water into sweet water when Moses followed God’s instruction. God performed many miracles in the wilderness when Moses followed instructions. He even delivered Moses from all his enemies. When we follow God’s instructions, definitely his presence will be there to back us up. We struggle when we do things our own way. Miracles signs and wonders are good but God’s way is better.  
When Jezebel heard that Elijah had slaughtered the false prophets she threatened to kill Elijah. Elijah the great prophet suddenly became afraid and ran into the wilderness. He then became lonely, depressed and suicidal. He finally lodged in a cave (1Kings 19:9) and the Lord asked what he was there. This implied that Elijah shouldn't have been hiding in that cave if he had followed God’s instructions. Elijah then complained to God about the people’s idolatry and how he was the only prophet in Israel who had not worshiped Baal. He had forgotten that about the 100 prophets were kept alive in the cave by Obadiah. God then made it known to Elijah that the manifestation of His power does not necessarily imply the manifestation of his presence (1Kings 19:11-13). In a sense God was saying “Elijah, fire coming down from heaven revealed my existence and power but my presence was not with you because of your disobedience.  
1Kings 19:11-13: “Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And a voice said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
The life of John the Baptist is another example that we can study. John had prepared the hearts of the people of Israel for the coming Messiah. I believe that John the Baptist should have terminated his ministry as soon as Jesus Christ started preaching the gospel. (John 1:19-26). He however continued preaching and baptizing people. For example when a guest speaker has been introduced, the person who made the introduction is expected to sit down and listen to the guest speaker.  I believe that even though John was anointed, the manifested presence of God was no longer available to back him up. John later exposed the adulterous behavior of King Herod and Herodias his brother’s wife and he was imprisoned. In prison John became depressed, he lost his faith and he started doubting Jesus as the Messiah.
Mathew 11:2-3:”Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?”
 It is not possible to be in the manifested presence of God and be depressed. Peter  was also in prison (Acts 5:1-11) but he was not depressed because he was in the will of God. The manifested presence of God was with him and so he had peace. In prison he slept so deeply that the angel had to smite him on the side to wake him up.
The instruction of God is the most vital to us Christians and intimacy with God will make us follow God as he moves. Seeing him, hearing him, knowing his ways brings peace and joy. When we follow the Lord as a sheep following the shepherd he leads and guides us. He provides for us and restores our soul. He protects us from danger and in hardships he strengthens us and sees us through. He gives us victory over our enemies and we have favour everywhere we go. The sheep does not have to struggle; all he needs to do is follow the shepherd. We cannot understand the ways of the shepherd if we do not have an intimate relationship with him. We cannot have intimate relationship with God if we don’t desire it. We cannot desire it if we are not hungry or thirsty for it. God himself puts his thirst and hunger in us when we begin to ask him. Will you start asking the Lord today to create his thirst and hunger in you?

Enjoy the blessings of God